Running Club

Running Club

Running Club is a fantastic way to release stress and tension at the end of the school week.

A regular running habit will you lift your mood and build self-esteem. It also increases your self-confidence as you reach fitness goals.

Endorphins engendered by exercise mean that people who run are often happier than those who don’t ever feel that sense of elation during or after a run. Running regularly can also improve patience, humour and ambition. 

Every week a group of staff and pupils head off into the hills and get away from school for 20 minutes in the middle of the day to stretch their legs and run. We head out at 12.50pm in rain or sunshine with a big variety of runners, some fast, some slow, some coming every week, some only when they fancy and get back in time for a well-earned lunch afterwards. There’s no need to tell anyone in advance, just change nice and quickly at the Sports Centre straight after period 5 and meet us outside.


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